Saturday, December 20, 2014

Teacher PD

I have been focusing on training our staff.  Last Saturday my partner and I gave a training to all of our new teachers, on the introduction to Thinking Maps, introducing all eight maps.  The training went well.  Everytime I do a training I learn something new or exciting.  This time we had 4th grade teachers that were applying all 8 maps to the Titanic.  It was really cool how they did this.  One of the teachers asked if we could create all eight maps in different formats, so teachers could create their own presentations.  I made them in powerpoint, word, and SmartNotebook.  You might find these useful, too.  Follow the link below:

Thinking Maps Templates

In about a month we will be training all of our primary teachers on report of information.  I can't wait to hear all of the great ideas our teachers share with us! Like I said, I learn so much from the teachers, even though I'm the trainer.

In addition, I made some changes to my EngageNY assessments that are on TeachersPayTeachers.  I have completed all of the modules in first grade and I am currently working on Kindergarten Module 3.

Here is the link to first grade module 1, within that page you can find all the modules:

Here is the link to kindergarten module 1 the link to module 2 is within that page.
EngageNY Module 1 End of Topic Assessments

I also was so sick of trying to figure out which standard I was teaching and continually referring back to the website to see which standard I was teaching in the topic.  So, I created "I can" statements with the module and topic number in the bottom left corner.   After making them for first grade, my kindergarten teachers asked if I'd make the statements for them.  Some teachers wanted whole sheets, other preferred them in half sheets.  The link below is for the "I can" statement on the whole sheet, if you prefer them on the half sheet the link is within the TeachersPayTeacher's page.  

Kindergarten "I can" statements whole sheet
First Grade "I can" statements whole sheet

Or you may just want to browse my store:  TeachersPayTeachers
Have Fun!!!!!

Monday, October 20, 2014

Engage NY fun

This month has been hectic.  We just finished up parent teacher conferences.  As I said in my previous post, we are piloting EngageNY.  At conferences, I found when I wanted to talk about how a child was progressing through the topics, I really didn't have any "meat".  I didn't like showing the exit ticket, when the majority only had 1 problem.  So it took me several days to create an end of the topic assessment.  I created them to look like EngageNY, so they are not cute.  If you are teaching Engage NY, then the students should be familiar with the layout.  Topic A assessment looks like this:
I have made the whole module available on TPT.  Following each assessment are the directions and answer key.  The first few tests, I don't have the directions on the test, because in the beginning of the year I like to give this test aloud.  After the first few then directions are written on the test.

I will begin working on module 2 this weekend.  It took me a long time to align all the boxes and insert the clipart.  Although module 2 is shorter, I'm dreading how much time it will take.  Hope you are enjoying your year.  :)

If you are interested in these here are the links to my bundles, from that page you can pick individual modules if that's what you are interested in:
Kindergarten bundle:
First grade bundle:

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Summer time

I get overwhelmed and forget about this blog.  I am enjoying my summer, but continue to work and plan for the upcoming school year.  I'm currently preparing for a Professional Development  my team and I will be doing for teachers their first day of school.  We will be presenting Thinking Maps in writing and also how to follow the Engage NY, math modules.  Whew!

 I love summer, but it feels like I've been working more than vacationing.  This year my focus in my classroom will be writing.  I will be teaching first grade.  I will be sharing a classroom with another teacher.  It will be an interesting job.  We will be taking turns, one week teaching, the next week a thinking maps coach.  We will see how this all goes.  I am looking forward to this new opportunity.  I love the students so having the opportunity to have a classroom and be a coach is a dream come true.  I will keep you all updated. 

Please check out my TPT store: