I then can put blank paper on top of this one and I know where to place my post-its. Make sure all of the sticky edges of the post-it are the same direction, on top. You will need them facing the same way so they do not jam your printer. Before I print on post-its I use a blank page and draw an arrow on it, and run that through the printer. This tells me which way the paper is pulled through the printer when it is printing. When I place my post-it paper in the printer I make sure my sticky edges of the printer will be pulled through first. I also make sure all of my post-its are all the way down, you don't want a corner sticking up, which may jam your printer. If you have the edge that is not sticky being pulled through first, you may jam your printer as the post-its may lift off of the paper. After I've done all of this it's time to print. I'm overly cautious and will only print 1 page at a time. After printing, your page should look like this:
I have ELA, Math, History Social Studies, and Next Generation Science standards, so I pick 4 color post-its to easily see the subjects. I use chart paper and divide my paper into subjects and decide how to divide my time line. In this case I wanted to divide it into trimesters. My paper looks like this:
I then go through and plot my standards. I place the post-its on the time line as to when I will be introducing each standard. The final chart looks like this:
I then transfer my information into a word document. BUT I keep this timeline all year. I love having them on post-its because as I teach I might find that a standard I thought would be introduced in 3rd trimester really is introduced in 2nd trimester, I can easily pull it off and move it. I then have a record for next year. I hope you find this useful in your planning of the year.
You may want to visit my store. At the time of this post many items are kindergarten and first grade related. I'm sure I will be posting more 4th grade items.
July 15, 2015 - I just finished watching a webinar by Dr. Jayme Linton. She suggested mapping your standards by the verb, looking at the difficulty level of each standard. This way you can introduce less difficult standards before the more difficult ones. She suggests mapping the standards on a grid similar to this:
You could use the post-its if you were doing this with your PLC, this way you could discuss and move post-its, then when complete a word document could be created. If you'd like to use the word document please click here and I've already created for you.