Use this link to see TPT's store wide sale. Going on February 25th!
TPT store wide sale! February 25th!
I am a little bored of making the Engage NY assessments, I'm almost done with kindergarten, but I just can't bear to think about working on it.
So I'm doing something a little more fun. Our district has not adopted new ELA textbooks in quite a while. So we are still in OpenCourt. It's the one that looks like this:
I have a group of high readers, the decodables are just way to easy for them. So, my partner teacher pulled out this book. What we found is that the questions that are asked are mostly connecting text to self, very few text dependent questions. So, I sat down and started working on making little books for each of these stories, trying my best to only have 1 text to self question, the rest are text dependent where our young learners have to refer back to the text. I often, orally ask them for the evidence to support their answers, now I'm trying to do it with paper and pencil. If you'd like to look at one, visit my tpt page: It's the Arnold Lobel story, Strange Bumps. I've made every book similar trying to have 6 questions on the inside and one on the back, trying my best to make the one on the back the text to self, and making it the fun question. My group of high readers have completed a few. I am pleased with what I'm getting. I often have to ask them to go back and write in a complete sentence, other than that, they are answering the questions and I see them looking through the book to find the answers. I have only a few more stories and then it will be complete, once complete I will post on TPT.
March 2015, they are now complete, take a look:
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